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StateWater Heaters' Sandblaster is the original Self Cleaning commercial gas water heater, with a proven design that automatically reduces sediment buildup, the number one threat to any water heater’s life expectancy and energy efficiency.

The new computer designed Hydro Cannon self cleaning device injects cold water into the tank under pressure and then uses a venturi action to create self cleaning turbulence. Self Cleaning action keeps sediment in suspension, and keeps it moving, so it does not get a chance to settle down. Sediment that would otherwise build up in the tank is harmlessly carried out when hot water is drawn. With reduced sediment buildup, Sandblaster commercial water heaters retain their rated efficiency longer, last longer, and help keep water heating costs down!
Sandblaster® SBN Low NOx Commercial Gas Water Heaters
Unit of Measure

Item #


Input Power

Recovery at 40 ºF Temperature Rise

Recovery at 100 ºF Temperature Rise

SBN100 199NES N/A N/A N/A 477 gal/h N/A 191 gal/h
SBN100 199NES A N/A N/A N/A 477 gal/h N/A 191 gal/h
SBN71 120NE N/A 71 gal N/A 120000 BTU/hr N/A 288 gal/h N/A 115 gal/h
SBN81 154NE N/A 81 gal N/A 154000 BTU/hr N/A 369 gal/h N/A 148 gal/h
SBN85 310NE N/A 85 gal N/A 310000 BTU/hr N/A 743 gal/h N/A 297 gal/h
SBN85 310NE A N/A 85 gal N/A 310000 BTU/hr N/A 878 gal/h N/A 351 gal/h
SBN85 366NE N/A 85 gal N/A 366000 BTU/hr N/A 878 gal/h N/A 351 gal/h
SBN85 366NE A N/A 85 gal N/A 366000 BTU/hr N/A 477 gal/h N/A 191 gal/h
SBN85 390NE N/A 85 gal N/A 390000 BTU/hr N/A 935 gal/h N/A 374 gal/h
SBN85 390NE A N/A 85 gal N/A 390000 BTU/hr N/A 935 gal/h N/A 374 gal/h
SBN95 199NE N/A 93 gal N/A 199000 BTU/hr N/A 477 gal/h N/A 191 gal/h
SBN100 180NE N/A 100 gal N/A 180000 BTU/hr N/A 432 gal/h N/A 173 gal/h
SBN100 199NE N/A 100 gal N/A 199000 BTU/hr N/A 477 gal/h N/A 191 gal/h
SBN100 200NES N/A 100 gal N/A 199000 BTU/hr N/A 600 gal/h N/A 240 gal/h
SBN100 200NES A N/A 100 gal N/A 199000 BTU/hr N/A 600 gal/h N/A 240 gal/h
SBN100 250NE N/A 100 gal N/A 250000 BTU/hr N/A 659 gal/h N/A 264 gal/h
SBN100 250NE A N/A 100 gal N/A 250000 BTU/hr N/A 659 gal/h N/A 264 gal/h
SBN100 275NE N/A 100 gal N/A 275000 BTU/hr N/A 659 gal/h N/A 264 gal/h
SBN100 275NE A N/A 100 gal N/A 275000 BTU/hr N/A 743 gal/h N/A 297 gal/h
Unit of Measure